Thursday, June 14, 2012

The 10 most censored countries

The Committee to Protect Journalists in New York have recently published an update about the worlds most censored countries. They have fluctuated and changed a lot in recent years with countries like Syria, Uzbekistan and Eritrea taking the top positions. The media in these countries are completely corrupt and people are being suppressed and reprimanded by their governments and leaders.

Read the full article on the Committee to Protect Journalists website here:  10 most censored countries

In 2012 alone, 25 journalists have been killed on-the-job around the world. Since 1992, 919 have been killed. There are currently 179 journalists imprisoned around the world, the overall majority in Iran, China, Vietnam, Eritrea, Burma, Turkey and Syria. 

The Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1981. They promote press freedom worldwide by defending the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. 


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