Friday, May 11, 2012

Did you know...? North Korea

How I wonder. 

What a daunting place it seems to be. North 

 For me, this is simply for the fact of having no idea what is actually going on inside the shut off communist state. How are the people being treated, are they suffering? Perhaps they’re living it up? The facts arn't known. Take a look at some information and statistics I found that are said to be true. For those of you who don't know much or anything about the country, it could be interesting.

North Korea ranks amongst the worst human rights offenders in the world.

  • No freedom of religion (you can be executed for possessing a bible)
  • No freedom of press (the government is state run and often reports complete lies of government propaganda)
  • Citizens are not free to move about(vehicles and fuel are often reserved only for the political elite
  • They currently have the worlds 4th largest army with 1.1 million active soldiers
  • Education is state run and the literacy rate is said to be 99%
  • The state allegedly runs re-education camps to correct people who have committed crimes against the government - 50,000 people are said to be political prisoners.
  • Citizens have to right to vote at 17, however there is only one party to vote for.
It has also been reported that public executions take place at stadiums in front of thousands of spectators. And allegedly you could be executed for making an international phone call or hoarding food.

It kills me not knowing the hard facts!

This is an article by the BBC today which talk about how the people are managing to get hold of news from outside their country and how it's becomming much more common and the people less fearful in doing so.


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