Monday, August 6, 2012

NEWS: Greece - Desperate times, desperate measures?

Today international newswires reported that Greece is to deport 1,600 immigrants, all of whom have already been arrested in Athens.

Nikos Dendias, Public Order Minister, said that this is due to the economic problems facing the country and that they couldn't afford an "invasion of immigrants"

They are worried that there will be an increased number of immigrants trying to illegally enter the country as a result of the current war in Syria. Therefore border security with Turkey has been maxed.

More than 6,000 people were detained in recent days, though most were released.

More than 80% of mingrants enter the EU through Greece, which is currently a country in cronic financial downfall.

But what about the immigrants that have been sent back to where they came from? Those of whom have perhaps escaped social hardships or war in their own countries (88 Pakistan immigrants were sent back on Sunday) What is to await them upon their return...? Is it their own fault?... Is Greece doing right or wrong? 


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