Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Belfast residents want Peace Walls to remain

The Belfast Telegraph has posted an article based on a recent survey of local residents in Belfast living near the peace line.

The peace lines were erected in Belfast in the early 70's during the height of The Troubles (an era of heavy political conflict throughout Northern Ireland) to divide the fighting and lower tensions between closely situated Catholic and Protestant neighbourhoods.

They were intended to be temporary structures while the British government found another solution, although due to their effectiveness they became permanent structures and many more were built in other parts of Northern Ireland.

What do YOU think about them still existing today?

Read the full article by following this link below:



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Syrian children mistreatment

TODAY the BBC has published a story focusing on Save the Children's charity findings about children in Syria.

They say that Children are being subjected to APPALLING torture, imprisonment and abduction, and the charity believes that this issue needs urgent attention.

The conflict in Syria has been going on for 18 months now with not much foreseeable hope of ceasing.

An extract from the article reads:

"One 15-year-old told the charity he had cigarettes put out on him when he was imprisoned in what used to be his school.

Another described being given electric shocks and sharing a cell with decomposing bodies, while a third teenager, Wael, said he had seen a six-year-old die after being tortured and starved."





Friday, September 14, 2012

Sam Bacile - The Muhammad video

"I wonder how smart US 'film maker' Sam Bacile feels now after the death of Libya’s US Ambassador as a result of his offensive and unnecessary video. His whereabouts is currently unknown as he has gone into hiding, however his anti-Islamic propaganda has sparked outrage and caused deaths in recent days. When you are lucky enough to come from a country that allows you freedom of speech, is this really how you want to take advantage of it?"

This is the video that was seen by the Arab world, mocking the history of their prophet Muhammad. 

Versions of it circulated with Arabic subtitles, and the result was catastrophic. Riots broke out in Benghazi, Libya resulting in the death of the US Ambassador, J Christopher Stephens, when a group of protesters stormed the embassy.

Protests have spread across the Arab world in countries such as Egypt and Yemen.

Some of the actors in the video have spoken out in disgrace claiming that they had no idea the video was going to be made in relation to Muhammad and they completely deplore what has happened.

What do YOU think about this?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Killing Fields - A video report

This is my first attempt at video reporting, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it, but from the results I can see that I need to work on my presenting skills haha. To be fair though, it was last minute and completly improvised as a result of the video I wanted to make on the day was made impossible...

People working, living, eating at Phnom Penh landfill.
I tried to go to the Phnom Penh landfill but was turned away by Cambodian government security as they do not want people to document to the outside world on how people are living and working there (children sifting through rubbish, including medical waste) This is because they don't want their foreign aid donors wondering why people are still living in such conditions and where the money they are giving is going to... And one has to ask themselves "where is it, indeed??!!"

SO, in the end I decided to go to the Killing Fields as they were close by to make this short report.

A big thank-you to Vana Hem, my wonderful Khmer cameraman and editor.

Let me know what you think.


Stevie G.x

P.S. Less than a week left in Cambodia!!! :(

