Friday, September 14, 2012

Sam Bacile - The Muhammad video

"I wonder how smart US 'film maker' Sam Bacile feels now after the death of Libya’s US Ambassador as a result of his offensive and unnecessary video. His whereabouts is currently unknown as he has gone into hiding, however his anti-Islamic propaganda has sparked outrage and caused deaths in recent days. When you are lucky enough to come from a country that allows you freedom of speech, is this really how you want to take advantage of it?"

This is the video that was seen by the Arab world, mocking the history of their prophet Muhammad. 

Versions of it circulated with Arabic subtitles, and the result was catastrophic. Riots broke out in Benghazi, Libya resulting in the death of the US Ambassador, J Christopher Stephens, when a group of protesters stormed the embassy.

Protests have spread across the Arab world in countries such as Egypt and Yemen.

Some of the actors in the video have spoken out in disgrace claiming that they had no idea the video was going to be made in relation to Muhammad and they completely deplore what has happened.

What do YOU think about this?

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