Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Killing Fields - A video report

This is my first attempt at video reporting, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it, but from the results I can see that I need to work on my presenting skills haha. To be fair though, it was last minute and completly improvised as a result of the video I wanted to make on the day was made impossible...

People working, living, eating at Phnom Penh landfill.
I tried to go to the Phnom Penh landfill but was turned away by Cambodian government security as they do not want people to document to the outside world on how people are living and working there (children sifting through rubbish, including medical waste) This is because they don't want their foreign aid donors wondering why people are still living in such conditions and where the money they are giving is going to... And one has to ask themselves "where is it, indeed??!!"

SO, in the end I decided to go to the Killing Fields as they were close by to make this short report.

A big thank-you to Vana Hem, my wonderful Khmer cameraman and editor.

Let me know what you think.


Stevie G.x

P.S. Less than a week left in Cambodia!!! :(



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