Monday, July 30, 2012

Personal update

So, it's been a while since my last update. I have been busy/ ill with fever.

A quick ramble about what I have been up to here.

I have been contacting people to interview for the documentary/ promo video I am going to be making although it is going very slow - people here seem to do things very slowly, and communication can be a problem. I have had so many irritating telephone conversations with people who can't really speak English over the past weeks. The joy of a Mass Communication internship in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.

The conditions in which I am living are still proving challenging at times. I have super infected feet, due to the mosquitoes frivolous behaviour with them in the evening. Lustful creatures they are - can't really blame them though, I do have gorgeous set of tootsies - Photo, For Example (It looks worse in real life, I just didn't want the other people in the room to worry for my mental health for taking photos of my feet, so I just took one ;)  >>>


Toilet and "shower"

Bed: I sleep in the middle bunk with another person. We are currently nine in the room.

I was ecstatically happy when a Spanish girl arrived last week, but alas she has left. Amaia, from Bilbao. She was another experienced gypsy trotter, although the NGO here was not for her, and to be honest it really isn't what I expected either in terms of what has been offered as an internship as you are basically left to your own devices. But, as I have some personal ventures in the pipeline and the fact that I am simply enjoying absorbing my first time in Asia, I will stick it out. For the week she was here I just talked at her in Spanish, poor girl. We also accompanied each other on a weekend chillout trip to Kampot - I will write a blog about that separately.

Amaia and I. Bless.

Today, July 30th, I met with Jesus and Ana. Two other Spanish friends. Jesus was one of my private class students who used to come to my flat in Zaragoza once a week to practise. He speaks perfect English, he just didn't want to loose it. As we all know my famous quote (with credit to my Spanish teacher Carmen Usategui) "Languages are like relationships...if you don't put the time and effort in, they will never work!" topic. So, yes. He and his girlfriend Ana were going to Malaysia for their summer adventure, so when he found out I was going to be in Cambodia he booked a cheap flight over to visit. I ended up meeting them in the morning and going to the killing fields (MAJOR need to seperate blog article...coming soon)

Ana and Jesus. God love 'em

LUNCH - I have never seen two people look so worried in their lives when we went into this little restaurant near the central market. Just a local place which was very basic and a bit grotty. Beef and fried noodles I ordered, IN KHMER (Cambodian language) - I was so proud of that, haha. Jesus unwillingly ate away while Ana turned it down completely and left her plate full. In the afternoon we headed to the NGO - they found it very interesting - we arrived just in time for the evening prayer where all the students/volunteers/teachers join together in the main hall outside and recite prayers from all different religions.

Anyway, that's just a quick personal up-date. Now that I am feeling better and my face isn't turning bright red every hour (that kept happening last week when I had a fever) I will get back to blogging. so make sure you read. - AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE READING  ;)

>> Coming up...Kampot, Killing Fields (Choeung Ek)..and more.

Hope you are all well.



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