Thursday, July 19, 2012

Some celeb encounters :p

For those of you who didn't have the privilege of ever seeing my wee interview with the stars in London for the premier of the movie Australia, here you go haha.  With Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Baz Lurhmann.

Almost 4 years ago now, wow. (Nervous Steve)

Sadly you can't see my lovely face while they are speaking, although you can imagine my eyes popping out of my head, while bouncing up and down hyper-actively (like a coke head) trying to push by all the other journalists trying to grab an interview. Was fun!

Oh, and while I'm at it, I may as well post this treat of a pic with my one and only love...SHAKIRA haha. In Dublin,  Dec 2011 - I look way to happy xD Lookin' cool Steve..NOT xD

There is also a photo existing with Simon Cowell/ Sharon Osbourne and I -  but that is horrendous!

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